
A Game A Day

Day 3 - Incan Gold
Day 4 - Bananagrams
Day 6 - Bohnanza
Day 8 - Coloretto
Day 9 - Blink
Day 10 - Carcassonne
Day 11 - Pylos
Day 12 - Quiddler
Day 13 - Animal Olympics
Day 14 - Othello
Day 15 - Ticket to Ride
Day 17 - Mancala
Day 18 - Pass the Pigs
Day 19 - Jaipur
Day 20 - Phase 10
Day 21 - Phase 10 Dice
Day 22 - Cosmic Cows
Day 23 - Ingenious
Day 24 - Fill or Bust
Day 25 - Backgammon
Day 26 - Sequence
Day 27 - The Legend of Landlock
Day 28 - SWAT!
Day 29 - Three of a Crime
Day 30 - Loch Ness
Day 31 - Ranking
Day 32 - Royal Palace
Day 33 - Hive
Day 34 - Rook
Day 35 - Pantheon
Day 36 - Match 4
Day 37 - Mastermind
Day 38 - Hawaii
Day 39 - Agricola
Day 40 - Mine Shift
Day 41 - UNO
Day 42 - Slide 5
Day 43 - Q•bitz
Day 44 - Liar's Dice
Day 45 - Checkers
Day 46 - Enchanted Forest
Day 47 - Nile DeLuxor
Day 48 - Simply Suspects
Day 49 - Five Crowns
Day 50 - Zooloretto
Day 51 - Kill Doctor Lucky
Day 52 - Citadels
Day 53 - Forbidden Island
Day 54 - Limits
Day 55 - Set
Day 56 - Pride and Prejudice The Game
Day 57 - MindTrap II
Day 58 - Dominion
Day 59 - Betrayal at the House on the Hill
Day 60 - Power Grid
Day 61 - Swipe
Day 62 - Aquarius
Day 63 - Go
Day 64 - Killer Bunnies
Day 65 - Chess
Day 66 - Monopoly (The Original Trilogy Star Wars Edition)
Day 67 - Risk (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition)
Day 68 - Scrabble
Day 69 - Freeway Frenzy!
Day 70 - The Settlers of Catan
A Game A Day In Review


  1. do you ever give a review below one finger up?

    1. Yes, but this happens rarely. You see, I usually tend to seek out games that look fun to me, and I'm usually not very disappointed. I really love board games. While the overall rating may remain high, I still point out specific components or game mechanics that I may not like. And even if I do rate a game above 1 Finger Up, that isn't to say that it will appeal to everyone, but that I really do enjoy most games. I should also keep a running total of how many times I play a game to show you my most frequently played games. Thanks for the comment and I hope this explanation helped.

      Here are some examples of games rated lower than one finger up:

      Freeway Frenzy - 1 Finger Down
      Swipe - 2 Fingers Down
      Monopoly - 1 Finger Down
      Pride and Prejudice - 3 Fingers Down
      Uno - 2 Fingers Down
      Animal Olympics - 1 Finger Down
      Phase 10 Dice - 1 Finger Down
