The Animated Guessing Game
A Party Game for 3-8 Players
Pictionary Style Game Using Set of Transparent Cards
A new pictionary-like guessing game with a unique concept. Using only the 61 transparent cards provided can you overlap and animate the cards to have someone guess "The Olympic Games" "Back to the Future" "Slipping on a Banana Peel" or "Pokemon"? The game has over 1,000 "enigmas" and you can even create your own challenging things to guess! I really enjoyed Imagine and I found it to be a nice fresh take on this genre of game. I will say that this game can be pretty challenging, but I really like the fact that you don't need to have artistic ability to play. You will need a good imagination however and the ability to make something out of random things. It is a good time. The quality of cards is great and the game includes TONS of guessing words as well as nice thick cardboard tokens to keep track of points. All of this fits in a well done insert. I just wish the rule book fit nicely in the box (a lot of games seem to have this issue - they make the rule book the size of inside of the top cover and yet it doesn't really fit inside the bottom box entirely - sorry, a little thing, but it keeps happening and it is annoying).
You don't need to rely on your artistic ability, but only your imagination and that is How Lou Sees It! (Please enjoy the pictures and the video review below!)