
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Burger Builder Preview

Designed by Andrea Tsang
Published by X-Axis Production
2 to 4 Players
45 Minutes
Hand/Resource Management, Trading

(5/10 Stars)

Burger Builder is a little hand resource management game where you collect ingredients and build burgers. I really like the artwork on the cards and the general mechanics of the game are good. The game is light and very easy to learn/teach. I struggled with the length of the game - seemed a little long for the light game that it is. It has potential, but it didn't really fully resonate with me and that is How Lou Sees It. (See the video review and some pictures below.)

Game setup and ready to go.

Rule book - classy.

5 of the 7 ingredients available (not shown close-up the fish fillet and burger patty)

Orders to fulfill, apparently people like mushrooms...

Not a huge fan of mushrooms, but the artwork on the card looks fantastic!

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